A traditional medicine with an origin of India. It
is the based on the theory that energy called, chi flows through and around
your body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncture involves the insertion of
very thin needles into patient’s skin at specific points of the body. These
needles are inserted at specific points to stimulates, disperse, and regulate
the flow of vital energy, and restore a healthy energy balance.
The acupuncture therapy explains that health is the result of a
harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life
force of energy through the meridians (pathways) in the human body. As each
needle is inserted the patient should feel them, but initially without pain.
However when the needle reaches the right depth there should be a deep aching sensation.
Ancient practice of acupuncture improves your health from head to toe. The
acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release
Chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord and brain that
change the experience of pain and triggers the release of hormones which
influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
Our research team and our
observations made that this treatment
can be treated in internal, external and also can be treated future
diseases by forecasting with Nadipathy. Using this technique the 5 elements can
be balanced.
To begin the Acupuncture
treatment the patient lay down on the treatment table while specific acu points
are stimulated by needles on various areas of your body. The needles are
usually retained between 5 – 20 min. During and after treatments, people
reported that they feel very relax. Using Acupuncture, Nadipathy
successfully treated many complex and
chronic conditions like Nervous problems, Body pains, Cervical spondylitis,
Lumbar spondylitis, Kidney problems, eye problems, Liver problem, Ear problems,
Migraine headaches, Depression, insomnia, infertility. Depending upon severity
the number of treatments / sittings may differ.
Health benefits of acupuncture:
These are most of
the health benefits being researched as well including,
bowel syndrome(IBP)
Chronic pains
headache, and neck pain
Nausea and
Heart burn
and indigestion
Weight loss
treatment is being cured for almost all diseases.
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